Sunday 16 October 2011

No... thank YOU!

It's nuts isn't it. We all spend so much time working so hard in our respective careers and businesses... and lives in general... and it's so rare that we get off the life treadmill and take a breath. Not ideal, but often how it works in our busy lives!

One of the things that I always tell clients is that they need to take some time to celebrate their achievements. Not just the big end goals like achieving their job promotion, finding a new role or gaining their degree (though these are all FANTASTIC achievements)... but I am a huge advocate of celebrating the small achievements that lead us to those larger ones. Sticking to a study timetable... diligently researching job opportunities and doing 2 good applications a week... creating a newsletter for your clients - these are all smaller parts of wider goals and I encourage you to jumo off the treadmill - pause - and congratulate yourself on those achievements too.

To that end, I too took a step back and compiled some of the lovely feedback I've recently received from clients and created a little video which reflect the great experiences they have had with coaching.  This video is just a snapshot of some of these testimonials and my way of taking a moment to jump off the 'to do' cycle... and realise that the hard work is paying off.

Have a look at the new Limitless Coaching testimonials video

Thank you for being part of the journey and for continuing to spread the word and for more information about coaching with me, visit the website.

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