Saturday, 11 January 2014

Happy New Year... Bring on 2014! (Post features 4-minute video)

The festive season has come and (nearly) gone and I hope you and your family (whether family by blood or family through love and association) are having / have had a fantastic holiday season. How have you spent the last week and a bit?

I have been blessed to spend the last days of 2013 with family (my hubby Rahim, my mum and my dad) in slightly sunnier climes than what we're blessed with in the UK and it really has been lovely to spend quality time together and truly reconnect.

As is often the case when away from the daily grind, it's also been beneficial to have some time and space to think, plan, strategise, mastermind, plot (mwa-ha-ha - but not in an evil way, I promise!) and actually to really think about the many many things to be thankful for. "Gratitude" is a big part of my mantra for 2014 (mantras are something we'll discuss further sometime soon - stay tuned). 

In the meanwhile - I just wanted to say a belated Seasons' Greetings and to wish you all the best for a very Happy New Year. 

Not surprisingly - I'd also really like to encourage you to do 2 things (it's all about action right?!):

1. Look back on 2013... and pat yourself on the back. Ask yourself - What did I achieve? What am I proud of? What surprised me about myself? What do I now know I can do, that I would not have believed I could do, this time last year? Be kind to yourself (so important). Where there were disappointments, set backs and anything you would not have wished for yourself - I really do wish you more of what you need and want in the coming year. Please don't skip over this... list 3-5 things (at least) in relation to these questions...

2. Make some solid resolutions / set intentions, make promises [whatever your term is for resolutions] for 2014. It is SOOOO easy for a year to pass by and to wonder what happened with it - and actually making some real plans that you are determined to work towards plays such an integral and positive role in making things happen.

To encourage you to do this... I created a Happy New Year video for you which features some of my personal successes and challenges. It also features one of my favourite thought-provoking, action taking questions of all time... can you spot it? Click on the image below and check it out... and look out for regular videos from me in 2014... all explicitly designed to bring some positivity, encouragement, motivation and (let's face it) awesomeness as you move towards what you are looking to achieve in this coming year and beyond.

Bring it on! 

(This blog is taken from the Limitless Community newsletter - edition 1 for 2014. Sign up free to be the first to receive motivational, actionable content)

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Gina Visram is a career coach, speaker, mentor and author who works with career driven people in relationships and couples who are ready to work hard at being successful in their careers and personal lives - on their own terms. She has recently published 
Happily Ever After for Grown Ups: A Post-Wedding, Blues-Busting Guide for Newlyweds" and is committed to helping people get over overwhelm and achieve the career success/life balance they seek. For more information and to sign up to her free newsletter visit

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