The way I see it though is that taking a moment to think about something you love isn't a bad thing (unless V day is the one and only day that love is recognised... Then that is bad) - so, whether in a loved up relationship or not, why not recognise other things you love. Like your job for example. Tenuous? Maybe... But work with me here:
3 reasons to love your job this Valentine’s week:
1. It is aligned with your values and beliefs
This is a biggie. If the job you are doing/career path you are pursuing doesn't align with your values and beliefs, it is likely that you'll never love what you do. Values represent what is important to you - they reflect your authentic self. Do you value kindness? Helping the community? Fun? Adventure? If you are in a role that resonates with your values, that’s a great reason to love your job. If you’re not…then do something about it!
2. It helps you live your life
Does your salary contribute to the lifestyle you are currently living? Yes… well good – that is yet another reason to love your job this Valentine’s week! Don’t get me wrong – if the only thing you value about your job is your salary and you’d want to change everything else then it may be time to see if you can find a more fulfilling role, but for now, take a brief moment to love what you currently have.
3. You get satisfaction from achieving your tasks
Through the work you do on a daily basis, you have the opportunity to do yourself proud. By working to the best of your abilities, every day you can pat yourself on the back and recognise that you are doing good work. Again, there is a chance that your role doesn’t challenge you as much as you would like – but nothing is stopping you from finding something that will stretch you to use your skills in a way that you can be especially proud of but for today… show yourself some love for what you do… currently do.
Day has been and gone and as a focus on ‘love’ is somewhat forced on us, why
not take the opportunity to explore the elements of your career that you love.
If in this analysis, you establish that you are truly grateful for the career
you have – then congrats! If you have realised that you are some distance from
where you want to be, I want to congratulate you too… if you take some
deliberate steps to achieve the greater thing you know you are destined to do.
As ever, you
are welcome to be in touch if you’d like some help to make it happen. I’d be
happy to be part of your journey towards true (career) love!