Sunday, 2 October 2011

Post-Wedding Motivation

Limitless Coaching is happy to confirm the introduction of post-wedding motivation coaching for newlyweds.

Following my own royal wedding (my husband and I got married on the same day as William and Kate… in Windsor of all places!) I am absolutely loving life as a newlywed…

Post our fantastic, regal wedding celebrations however; I did have a temporary dip in my usual levels of enthusiasm (for everything apart from my husband!) – and it was recognising this unusual slump in my normally enthusiastic, motivated personality that that led me to discuss this ‘inspiration dip’ with other new brides.

It quickly became apparent that this post wedding motivation slump is a common phenomenon among newlyweds and it is also undersresourced in terms of published information about it. So where do I come in? In a few ways:

By applying coaching techniques – I will help you avoid / surpass this feeling through a post wedding motivation strand of Limitless Coaching. If you want to break out of this temporary (and let's admit... extremely annoying!) slump - this is a great solution for you.

I am also blogging about finding and harnessing inspiration after your big day… on my own blog, and on the Wedding TV UK website (as one of their wedding experts)

Writing a book!
I am also currently researching and writing a book on the topic... and am looking for contributors. Follow me on Twitter @bridemotivation and email me on to find out more...

...and in the above, you can expect to see exclusive previews, including top tips on how to create the next best day of your life; articles on how to balance the excitement of your new life while still honouring the old you; real life stories of brides affected by the post wedding blues – who are now back to their fabulous best; advice on how to avoid the post wedding slump; turning potentially negative pressure into a positive; coaching tips to keep you enthused and on track with your life and career goals in the run up to and after your wedding and much more.

Keep an eye on royalweddingcountdown, my post wedding motivation blog and my guest blogs on the Wedding TV UK website!

1 comment:

  1. I have really enjoyed your interesting article. Great Job !!!

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