Monday, 21 March 2011

Today is…

Today is remarkable. A day like no other. Why you ask? It’s not New Year, Christmas, Valentine’s Day or any other notable occasion. True… but for me, today is one of those days when a feeling of change is palpable… and it is often ‘change’ which inspires us to work to our maximum potential (or indeed the opposite… to hide, and pretend it’s not happening!)

Today, I am:
Getting ready to embark on a new job – one which officially starts today
Officially launching my Limitless Coaching website and related blog (welcome!)
Approaching my imminent wedding – and working hard towards planning the last details
Loving the opportunity to plot how I will spoil my other half for his birthday today

Doesn’t sound remarkable to you? That’s okay – because what I have realised is that it’s not about how other people measure what we are doing… it is about how we as individuals measure it, approach it, tackle it, enthuse about it, and ultimately, just do it.

So… I’d like to take this moment to welcome you to the Limitless Coaching website and blog. Limitless Coaching exists to help individuals and businesses achieve their goals faster than they would be able to themselves… ultimately empowering them to stop dreaming and start achieving.

So what is today? Absolutely anything you want – and what you are working towards it to be. It’s exciting, full of potential and fleeting…  as tomorrow will be here before you know it. If you want your ‘todays’ to be a series of steps in a strategy to achieving your goals (be it better work / life balance, a career change, educational achievement, starting a new business and more) – please do get in touch if you want to know more about how Limitless Coaching can be an ally in helping you get there.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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